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Torta “sottosopra” con Ananas! in italiano

I wanted to make the best Upsidedown Pineapple Cake, and I think I succeed in that.

Modest, I know.

Thing is, the classic Upsidedown cake is socked in brown sugar syrup. Which is good, I mean I’m not saying that it tastes bad, I’m just sayng that I wanted to make it differently. Slightly less “soggy”, but still rather sweet and with that fantastic twist that the pineapples bring to this recipe.

So here it is, my recipe for an Upsidedown Pineapple Cake – not so soggy version 🙂


for a 20×15 baking pan

For the SYRUP

  • 150g of brown sugar
  • 80g of butter

For the CAKE

  • 3 eggs
  • 160g of sugar
  • 5 tbs of pineapple juice
  • 1 pinch of sea salt
  • 1 ts of baking powder
  • 150f of flour
  • 6/8 slices of canned pineapples


  1. Pre-heat oven at 175°
  2. In a small pot melt the brown sugar with the butter and whick vigorously for a couple of minutes. Set aside.
  3. In the bowl of your standing mixer place the eggs, the sugar, the juice, the salt, and whisk until you get a fluffy batter, light and pale in color.
  4. Now add in the flour and the baking powder.
  5. Take your baking pan and line it with parchment paper.
  6. Pour the syrup and then carefully lay the pineapples slices on top of teh syrup.
  7. Now gently pour the batter over the slices.
  8. Bake for 35 minute – ish.
  9. Let it chill down, and then carefully turn the baking pan on to a sheet of parchment paper.

Simple as that. Sweet and delicious, with that particular sweetness given by the syrup but still with a very moist sponge cake part.

Serve with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.


It is “your thing”? Just asking, because not everyone likes pineapples, but believe me they are so-ooo good in this recipe!