Over the past few months there has been an increase of 501,000 paid employees under the age of 25
For some months now, the United Kingdom has been recording growing values as regards the world of work.
Although there are still various sectors suffering from a lack of personnel due to the pandemic and Brexit which has forced many to return to their countries of origin, including hospitality and transport, according to the latest data from the ONS, the statistical office UK, July-September 2021 estimates show positive data with a quarterly increase in the employment rate , while the unemployment rate decreased and the economic inactivity rate remained broadly unchanged.
The unemployment rate is instead estimated at 4.3%
In fact, the new estimates indicate that in October 2021 the number of paid employees in the UK increased by 4.0% compared to October 2020, which translates into 1,139,000 more employees; the number of paid employees has increased by 0.8% since February 2020, which in absolute values translates into 235,000 new units.
Looking at the phenomenon more broadly, the employment rate is now estimated at 75.4% , a number that bodes well and which differs by just 1.1 percentage points less than before the health emergency, but above all to 0.4 percentage points higher than the previous quarter ( April to June 2021 ). The unemployment rate is instead estimated at 4.3% , 0.3 percentage points higher than before the pandemic, but 0.5 percentage points lower than the previous quarter.

All age groups saw an increase in paid employees
Regarding monthly pay, the average value increased by 4.9% compared to October 2020 and by 7.8% compared to February 2020. All age groups saw an increase in paid employees between October 2020 and October 2021 with particular reference to the young group, the under 25, which recorded a plus 501,000 paid employees .
This means that the generation most affected by the pandemic in the workplace, that of young people, is slowly returning to contribute to the country’s economy, avoiding looking for new career opportunities in other countries outside the UK.
An issue that concerns not only those who were born and raised in the United Kingdom, but also those who have arrived here over the last few years and who, due to Brexit and the pandemic, have found themselves experiencing a truly complicated situation in the field work that made them desist from continuing to stay. Some have returned, others have continued and, according to the latest data, this choice is rewarding them.