Opening a LTD in London: flexibility in the world of work. Cost for the entrepreneur for hiring and costs for firing
Why open a ltd in London ? For many reasons and not just for the very high economic reputation enjoyed by the 4th largest economy in the world. Being able to open a ltd in London without annoying bureaucratic complications, and manage it effectively, counting on many tax breaks and the opportunity to reduce taxes to a minimum , are valid reasons for looking to the United Kingdom with confidence .
The flexibility of the English labor market
But the main factors that push investors to start their own business in the country are, above all, the flexibility of the English labor market , the cost for the entrepreneur to hire and the cost for the entrepreneur to fire. In fact, the labor market in England is characterized above all by “business-friendly” laws and, therefore, fair and easy to understand for the entrepreneur.
To open a ltd in London it is necessary to have a local office and to hire British personnel. However, there are subsidized loans for those who hire staff in the southeast of the country. English workers, well trained by an excellent education system, are among the most mobile in Europe and very adaptable to various styles of business management.

The cost for the entrepreneur of hiring
A fact in favor of the flexibility of the English labor market is the lack of a national employment contract: industrial relations are concentrated at the company level, while, as regards the cost for the entrepreneur of hiring, it must be emphasized that the permanent contract does not exist. In England we speak of an employee contract (“employment”) or performance (“services”). In practice, only discriminatory dismissals are not allowed. In all other cases, not only is dismissal admitted, but there is the possibility of communicating it verbally. It is evident how the system is advantageous both for the recruitment of personnel and in reference to the cost for the entrepreneur for the dismissal.

Where it is easier to do business globally
The World Bank ranks the United Kingdom in 8th place among the areas where it is easier to do business globally , thanks to the reduction in costs that the labor market in England guarantees . Furthermore, the OECD Employment Protection Index, which measures legal constraints and costs imposed on business by the state, places the UK well below the European average. These data confirm how advantageous it is to open a limited company in London . To do it in an even simpler and more effective way, just contact AE Morgan: the services offered are designed, in fact, precisely for those customers who wish to broaden their entrepreneurial vision and develop the right skills to be successful in the global market.