When I talk to people about London, I sometimes mention the fact that when you are travelling on the tube, you are not supposed to talk to anyone.
We just don’t do it. Why? Well, we just don’t’.
I am fine with it, I am not very chatty with strangers and I am utterly OK with this. But not everyone is, so this is where the Happy to Talk Badge comes in handy.
You Can Now Wear A Badge That Let People Know You’re ‘Happy To Talk’ On Public Transport
So, as mentioned above, we like to keep our heads down and concentrate on things we can do with our phone, or maybe a book.
Happy to talk Badge, what it is? Something that can change the way we interact with people if we want to, Of course. But the fact that a high percentage of Londoners might not be interested in it, did not let its inventor, Chris Zair, change his mind.
He created the #happytotalk badge which you can pin up to your jacket and let everyone near you know…well, yes, you guessed it, that you are happy to talk.
Something similar has been tried out years ago with very little success, but again Chris just went for it.
How this is going to work now with Covid-19 restrictions and social distancing, well we will see about that. This thing will of course not work if there is nobody on the train, but it is not the case any longer. Now, in October 2020, I can actually see more people using the underground, and social distancing is not going to be a massive issue, right? We can still have a nice chat while being seated 2/3 seats apart.

The badges cost £5, and most importantly 40% of sales going to Run Talk Run, a mental health support group, and the rest of the profit will go to another charitable cause that will be picked up at the end of each financial year.
Click HERE and get your badge!
They say we all got a bit better after Covid-19, so let’s prove it: start nicely talk to people while commuting, you might find it pretty pleasant after all!