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ZUPPA DI ORZO E FUNGHI” >  in italiano

I’m a bit weird (oh really Ellie? Really?!!) and to me there is no proper/specific season for an earthy soup. I can easily have a hot soup in August, I just love soups. I crave for soups sometimes, so the season is definitely not a problem to me, but if you are not like me…you can definitely save this recipe for Winter, it is worthy.

Creamy, rich, and with mushrooms, that I adore. I suggest to have it with a few crutons too, they add a that crunchy texture and are super deliciuos.


for about 4 dishes

  • 185g of spelt
  • 1 ts of salt
  • 2tb of olive oil
  • 250ml of water
  • 1g of dried porcini mushrooms
  • 50g of butter
  • 70g of chopped/sliced Champignons
  • 1 chopped carrot
  • 3 potatoes – sliced and chopped into cubes
  • 1 tb of parsley
  • 2 tb of flour
  • 250ml of vegetable broth
  • 1ts of ground pepper
  • 50ml of heavy cream


  1. In a saucepan put in the salt and the water. Bring to a boil then add in the spelt.
  2. Add the spelt and the chopped carrot in. Cover and cook (medium heat) until the spelt is tender, about 30-40 minutes.
  3. Drain the spelt and set aside.
  4. Place the dried porcini in a bowl. Pour a glass of boiling water on them and let them soften up for about 15/20 minutes.
  5. In a pot melt 20g of butter with the olive oil, add in the Champignons and the cubes of potatoes. Cook them, stir gently to prevent them from burning, the mushrooms will release a lot of water, it’s totally normal.
  6. Chop the porcini and add them to the Champignons. NB: do not throw away the water they were in!
  7. Now add in the flour, sprinkle the four in, in order to avoid flour lumps.
  8. Add the vegetable both plus the porcini water.
  9. Bring to a boil and let cook for 15minutes. Low heat.
  10. Add in the remaing butter, the salt, parsley and black pepper.
  11. Now it’s time to take the cooked spelt (and carrot) and combine it to the rest of the cooked ingredients.
  12. Let it cook for some extra 10 minutes, then add the heavy cream.


Use more salt if you think that just a pinch is not enough, but it is so flavoured already, I would not use extra salt in it.

Serve with a little extra virgin olive oit on top and a toasted slice of bread.

Are you going to wait or…are you going to prepare this deliciuos soup on a sunny hot day as well?

Inspired by a recipe on